RAN-ARENA entices with many HIGHLIGHTS

RAN-ARENA entices with many HIGHLIGHTS

While over 150 participants take on the challenge of cycling around Lower Austria, things will really kick off at the start and finish location in the RAN ARENA under the motto “RAN FUN”.

For two days, Weitra will be the center of the global ultracycling scene. Together with the Economic Association of the city of Weitra “WERK-STADT-WEITRA” and supported by the municipal council of Weitra, this year’s RAN organizers have put a lot into motion. When the 6th edition of the race officially opens on Friday, May 10 at 3 pm, food trucks and open garden restaurants on the town square will already be welcoming spectators with delicacies. Whether vegan, traditional, or savory – there will be offerings available for all tastes.

The first starts at 4:00 pm can then be followed up close or from the many “chill areas” on the arena-like town square. Between the individual starting blocks, when the daring participants are not in focus, it will be the “Local Heroes” from Bike-Kids to local RAN-conquerors of the last years who will be brought into the spotlight. On Saturday, the RAN ARENA will open its doors again at 11 am. While spectators can follow the last kilometers of the fastest participant on the video wall, the town square will already be filling up again. Cyclists from surrounding communities are expected to arrive from their “star rides”. The winner of the 6th edition is expected at 1 pm and for those who want to watch in front row seats, there is still a chance until May 9 to win VIP seats with catering directly in front of the stage in a online ruffle by Waldviertler Kinos Gmünd/Zwettl. Speaking of competitions: Great prizes will also be raffled off on Saturday in a competition by the municipal council of Weitra. Simply post a photo on your social media channels with hashtag #FotoRAN2024.

Throughout the afternoon, it’s all about cheering as every finisher (m/f) who completes this race deserves applause like never before. The winners in various categories (solo, 2-person team supported/unsupported, and 3-person teams) as well as the Austrian champion 2024 will then be honored from 6 pm onwards. DJ “Franz Joseph” will musically accompany the award ceremonies, the highlight of the 6th edition, and keep spirits high until every participant crosses that finish line.

“We are thrilled to have put together a great program for spectators in Weitra together with local businesses. Our main goal was and is to give participants a proper welcome. It’s great that people from Weitra are so motivated to work together with us,” says Christian Troll from the organizing comitee.

“It’s a unique opportunity to experience so much energy and power live. We want to share that with everyone in a great arena where they feel comfortable. We are very excited to accompany this fantastic sports event,” says Alexandra Kuttner, chairwoman of werk-stadt-weitra.